With the beautiful weather here, I’ve been spending more time out enjoying the sunshine with my gremlins.

May was busy, I had some more success with my Rise of The Beasts art, I made a total of three pieces for the movie franchise. I also had three commissions and a few cassettes to paint.

All the money that is made from my shop and commissions, go towards bills and some entertainment options for my gremlins. I'm forever greatful for the support.

Time to take more inspiration photos! I've done a lot of talking lately, time for visual inspiration.

I mention the tough parts of being a freelancer artist, because it's not discussed enough. There's so much rejection and rebuilding to do for most of us. And if it's not discussed, then we assume that we are the only ones to face such rejection. And it becomes demoralizing and unable to produce art becomes a nasty circle of defeat.

Getting outside and touching grass brings me back to reality. It's easy to get super discouraged. But my kids are my world, and nature endlessly inspires.

I'm greatful for these warm summer nights, my kids laughter and the colors in the sky.


Social media numbers game/Celebrate the small wins


Art block after rejection! You don't say.