Getting away from Perfectionism-yard art completed.
It’s been a long process, I won’t lie. Trying to steer myself away from perfectionist standards has been really trying.
And while Many factors can affect a person's chances of having a perfectionist personality. Some of the main causes of perfectionism include: A fear of judgment or disapproval from others. Early childhood experiences, such as having parents with unrealistically high expectations.
Sometimes perfectionism in artists, leads to the inability to complete artwork on a timely basis, or totally unable to produce artwork at all. These artists are stuck between unfinished canvasses, and blank future canvasses, and cry.
I should know, I used to be one of these artists.
Mentally unpacking your baggage, is part one of overcoming perfectionism. I’ll go into that another time.
The other part to overcoming perfectionism, is actively leaving your artwork alone once you're done. Whether it's done or not.
It means listening to your gut and when you're getting sick of working on something.
It may not look “finished” to your personal standards. But, it's enough. It doesn't need any more refining. No matter what you're telling yourself. At some point, you have to decide to walk away from that art and start the next piece of art.
It's done.
I mean I can see some things that still need tinkering with. But I'm walking away. Because ultimately it looks great. Halloween is a week away, I want the kids to enjoy walking past these outside for a few days. If I keep fiddling away at the colors, I just delay the cutting, varnishing and assembling part.
If some small thing really bothers me, I'll tend to it after it's been cut and assembled. I don't need to delay this project any further.
I will admit, there is a safety net feeling when you're tinkering away daily at the same thing. You don't have to activate your brain for answers, you can just continue to refine the same thing.
I personally can't do that for too long, I have to move onto the next piece of art and so forth. My brain has got too much to put out into the world through colors, I can't work on any one thing for long.
Everything's been cut, the metal stakes have been bolted on, and they've been placed into the yard. The kids are thrilled, that's what matters the most.
Painting of Lock, Shock & Barrel, carrying the Halloween Town sign away.
Zero, Jack and Sally from the Nightmare before Christmas.
Fall weather gives my home lots of natural cobwebs and plant decay to aid in the aesthetic ✨🦇