It's still January
I’m a bit late to posting for the new year, aren’t I? It’s been a eventful couple of weeks since Christmas. My computer was hacked, but luckily I was able to get the money returned. All my passwords and cards needed replacing. Then, because it took a week to get the money returned back to me lol, other things bounced lol. It has taken till today for things to just settle a little around here.
The last thing I wanted to do was broadcast that I hit more issues. Between the printer cutting out, the almost homeless thing, moving, losing Ronon, then a computer hacking lolololololololololol. I'm waving a white flag, I'm just trying to make art and pay my bills so I can make art.
Somehow it's still January.
Somewhere in all that stress, I picked up a virus and am currently surviving, staying hydrated and napping when I can.
Usually I start painting around this time every year. Something about the new year brings hope, so the urge to paint comes on strong. But…so does the heartache when the paintings don’t make it into local shows. I decided that I will take a break this season from painting, and keep sticking with digital art.
I hope I’m making the right choice. I mean, from an energy output point of view, I am making a solid choice. I already create things that bring me great joy. By not taking on painting as well, I'm not going into a manic phase where I must draw my robots to post for social media and also paint on the side, to promote to an entire different crowd. My original paintings are met with mixed views-it’s not my speciality. Markers are what I'm excellent with. And the painting goes nowhere. It seems smarter to fine tune my focus on one thing, and get better at it.
Somehow, all my digital art posts hit or exceed 500 likes. When it's my traditional work, the average is around 300. For now I’ll take this as promising news.
I have much more freedom with so much digital colors and none of them running out now. I didn't realise how much my earlier traditional style was dependent on what colors I had most of at the time. So you'd see in my library, a set of Blue dominant pics or Pink dominant…those were the colors I had most of at the time.
Currently on a yellow kick with my markers. Both because of the abundance of yellow, and I’m feeling rough so the yellow boosts my mood for the moment.
(I had a surplus of pink and bright green during this time.)
Mentally hard to form cohesive thoughts. My next post will talk about my Kofi page. I’ve got a monthly subscription service if that's something you're interested in.
Sincerely hope you had a better start to the new year! Wishing for the best possible year for us all.