A little under the weather

I'm writing this from the comfort of a hot bath filled with Epsom salts. I've got vitamin boosting tea on hand, I am doing alright. Last week my son was sent home sick from school. I ended up feeling unwell shortly after and took a few days to recover.

I took some time to do personal art during the brain fog. The difference between personal art and the rest of it is the personal art seems to come without much forethought. It will be something I've wanted to draw for awhile and the idea just springs forward. Usually I need to generate a whole mental mood board based on what I'm about to illustrate. Sometimes it's just so refreshing to dive into a drawing without stress/plans for it to turn out perfect. I love my isopod's and I wanted to illustrate them. And illustrate the things I think about when I look at them. Some of the names for the Isopod variants are so literal to me, I needed to illustrate that.

These are the isopod's caled “Clowns”. With some famous clowns.

These are Panda King Isopod's, with Panda Bears.

Lastly, these are Magic Potion isopod's, with all things magic related. I had a LOT of fun making these collages up.

Something incredibly soothing about making collage- like illustrations.

There is a discussion in the twitter art community, would the artist keep creating art if they knew noone would see it/it wouldn't be on social media. Honestly most artists start out drawing for ourselves. Most of the art is never seen by other people anyways. It does not affect how much time or effort I put into a piece. The above illustrations, some I've had on hand for days. Some art is months or years old and noone will see them.

I don't like the “value” social media puts on art. I paint something I love, but if noone liked it on social media, this will cloud my impression of my art.

Same as, if I thought the art was poorly done, and people praise it, again I am confused who to believe. Myself? Am I being too harsh?

Many days I'm unsure what to do. Algorithms be damned. I just want the opportunity to do what I love and stay creating art. But that's what all artists want. It's so competitive and it's hard to know when to quit and just keep it as a hobby. I'm truthfully pursuing a career out of my art. But what that looks like, remains to be seen.


Covid then RSV…


Commissions: Pet portraits open!