Hey 2024, let's make this the best we can.
Sorry for the extended silence.The migraines kept me off my phone for most of December. Unfortunately I was very sick on Christmas day, so that sucked. One of the things I love doing most is cooking a big meal and enjoying the xmas tree lights, and I couldn't. My kids were sick as well, so a lot of the gifts went unopened, things went stagnant for awhile until we started feeling better.
Thankfully they're healthy again (knock wood). I'm still struggling though. The Illness affected my tastebuds, everything tastes gross to me now. So I have a caffeine withdrawal going on, since I can't stomach anything that's not bland and tasteless. I have anxiety about eating, because I don't want to be sick. It's a bit of a circular mess, and drawing is not a possibility right now. I get headaches too easily. I just need to get better first. The art will come after.
On the plus side, my eyesight is better than I thought. Turns out I had very tired eyes last year, and when you're forced to do nothing but sleep and rest, my eyes have improved and I feel pleased about that development.
I'm going to be healthier this year, that's for sure. All of this forced rest and acquired pain, makes me need to make appropriate changes so I feel more in control of my body.
Thank you for the support. I will be back to taking commissions and adding new stuff to my shop soon. Once I am feeling better. I'm still feeling gross into 2024, but it's temporary. I'm ready to feel better and take advantage of this fresh start.
Hopeing the best for everyone, I want us all to succeed and thrive!! Hoping for a free Palestine in 2024. Hoping for humanity to return.
This is just one of a bunch of illustrations I've worked on and over since November. It'll go into a zine, once I can get my bearings in order to put it together. Really pleased with how this one in particular turned out. xx.