Punk Rock Gives Back Ornaments pt2
I mentioned in a previous post how thrilled I am to have been invited to paint some ornaments for the PRGB charity. Here's the last two ornaments. They won't be avalIble for sale until Nov 2024. Making chess game moves so I have constant art being showcased at multiple times and spots over the year. It helps keep my name on people's radars.
Ideally this is sold as a set, but they can be sold separately. It's geared towards a niche group of individuals who loved punk rock music around 1994. All those epic albums were released and many were found under a Christmas tree. Many a pop punk fan in the 90’s was loathe to admit that they came from middle class upbringings, and were not, in fact, gutter crust punks. Hard realizations for all. And many of their moms had the Mel Gibson hairstyle. I made it look close to him without being worthy of suing me for likeness. The cigarette smoking was crucial to add for nostalgia, lots of people smoked in the 90’s and many kids got burning ashes in their eyes.
The inspiration for the Mom figure
“c’mon, hold your gift up in the air and show me what Santa brought you!”
1994 was such a great year for amazing music.
Hitting a niche group of 40 something's real hard in the nostalgia department with this. Or so I hope.
Available through the Punk Rock Gives Back Charity auction November 2024.