Shop in vacation mode, countdown on.

The last bits of mail to come from this address have been sent off.

I hope to reopen my shop but we will have to see. My printer is unreliable, and I don't know what's in store for the future. I won't open up untill things feel confident again.

I won't be selling charms or keychains online anymore until shipping gets cheaper in Canada. I can't justify shipping prices here ever. It's annoying and sad on my part because I love designing these bits of merch.

I really enjoyed putting together every individual order. I liked catering to each order, all 1243 of them this far! Adding extras that I thought would be a good fit/score for them.

I gifted away a lot of stuff, I wanted people to feel a bit of surprise and hopefully enjoyment associated with the things I sent their way. We have so few good surprises in life that don't come with hidden costs. I figured sending extra stickers or prints in their favorite subjects might be a good idea. (It was!)

Ronon's still here & hanging out, doing alright (knock wood). I'm worried how much the move will stress him out.

Tentatively have a place to move to. I won't feel secure in that until I have a key in my hand and physical boxes in the new place. Up till then it feels like it can be easily taken from me again. So I stay mum until I know for sure.

All the cheeseburgers for his little face ๐Ÿ’œ

Found a preying mantis in my hydrangeas! I was trimming back dead growth and this lady leapt out of hiding. I rarely see preying mantis around here, so every observation is a big deal to me.

Still packing, still panicking, taking it one day at a time. Donโ€™t know what I would do without the transformer fandom & the awesome friends I โ€˜ve made along the way. You guys have absolutely improved my quality of life with the genuine kindness and care, I am forever greatful & it is heavily appreciated.


Settling in & rising from the ashes


Art school memories & a pleasant surprise.