Painting on Heirlooms

I've been blessed with creative clients who let me work on their projects. One of my clients brings really cool personal heirlooms for me to add portraits onto. Last year I got to paint this acoustic guitar.

This year, my project from them was an antique saw. I was to paint a portrait, with a snowmobile and some rose breasted grosbeaks.

I love every opportunity to make a painting more personal to the client. I enjoy adding the small details that mean everything to the person who owns the piece after its complete.

A final photo, I want to share how I may start off the painting very neat and organized with my tools. But when it's complete, my supplies are a whirlwind of chaos. I work best in a flow state of mind, I grab the colors I need and I drop them just as quick, constantly moving and unaware of the eventual mess that my surroundings quickly become.


The Creature Project


Social media numbers game/Celebrate the small wins