There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

Sometimes I have a vision in my head that I haven’t actually practised much on paper. I'm nostalgic for the 1970’s psychedelic album art/landscape art. The whimsy of the stars and the way the lines flow, intrigues me. As I was bringing it to life here in a Cosmos x Soundwave illustration, I found it needed more forethought than I was used to giving my art.

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Drawing: Soundwave at the Aquarium
vanessa netzel vanessa netzel

Drawing: Soundwave at the Aquarium

REALLY EXCITED TO CREATE POOLS OF LIGHT /SHADOW LINES IN THE WATER. Something about illustrating this/working on the mental math for creating pools of light really lit a fire in me.

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A visual timeline: how I explored color from 2017-2019.

A visual timeline: how I explored color from 2017-2019.

For the new people around here that don't know of my early tumblr days and how much my art has visually changed since 2017. You can actually see the points in time when I started having fun with art and color again.

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Let’s Paint! Galaxy shrimp
vanessa netzel vanessa netzel

Let’s Paint! Galaxy shrimp

*Neocaridina davidi is a freshwater shrimp originating from eastern China and northern Taiwan and introduced in the rest of Taiwan, Japan, and Hawaii, which is commonly kept in aquaria. The natural coloration of the shrimp is green-brown. There are a wide range of colors including red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet, black, etc. *

Once you get past all the standard ones found in the hobby, you find the fancier/bolder designed shrimp. When I saw the Blue Boa Galaxy Shrimp, I needed to paint it asap.

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