Mail day/hair update
I love to ship my art things out to customers. I adore personalizing each package and sending extra stickers and doodles etc. I rarely put stickers/doodles on the outside of the packages.
I found that anytime I decorated a package exterior, it would get stolen or misplaced. I don't even write “Bats in the Belfry art”, I write BITBA. I don't want any issues with mailing things and the less intriguing the package looks, the better the odds it gets to its destination.
Canada has ridiculous charges for shipping items with tracking covered. Otherwise everything I mail out would be tracked. If it's not easily reproduced, then it gets tracked.
It looks like anarchy here, but it makes sense to me lol. I have a small table with which I assemble everything on. I love to see my zines in a pile like this, and I love when people buy my zines even more 💜.
* if it has a sticker or doodle on the outside, it's a tracked package so I am not concerned.
I love when the sun sends rainbows onto my work as I put the zines together and package them up.
I head out once a week to the post office. That's also the day I go about updating social media and/or Etsy. It's tough to find a balance between creating art and marketing/assembling zines/creating stickers/filling out customs forms for overseas packages. And also parent my kids and socialize and rest somewhere in there too. No complaints though, it's just something I find I don't have good time management with and I'm working on that.
DIY Hair update! I gave myself some bangs, and minimised the pastel to the bang area and a few highlights. The pastel just doesn't keep long enough for my liking and affordability. I'm a picky person with hair color and styles. Awkward smile selfie oh yeah.