Drawing at the new place/image heavy**

It’s been a bit of a learning curve, adjusting to drawing at the new place.

I'm a creature of habit. I used to draw in front of a large window at the old place. I assumed I should draw in front of a window at the new place, to make the drawing experience feel similar, right?

Except it didn't feel similar at all.

What inspired me about the drawing spot at the old place, no longer served me here in this new space.

The way I sat facing this new window, the orientation of my body and art felt wrong. This is interesting to note from a psychological point of view. And frustrating as hell as an artist.

I had to move around the room, sitting in multiple spots, before I found the “right” spot from which to work.

I hummed and hawwed for days over what to start drawing. The stacks of boxes and work to be done made it hard to focus to do anything else.

This was going to be Optimus playing piano, with some care bears doing a carebear stare to cheer me up. When in doubt for what to draw, comfort characters always help.

Still have my O.G Bedtime Bear. Care bears mean a lot to me, almost as much as Transformers. So this art idea should have pulled me through the massive art block I was facing.

Except it didn't.

I thought my eye sight was worsening for a couple of days. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to focus on this art here at the new place, like I could at the old place.

I finally realised it was a lighting issue. That the lighting at the old place was basically industrial neon white light. It illuminated everything. I'm going to find a similar light bulb for this place.

The shadows are cast wrong from the lighting here, so sometimes my hand casts a shadow on the art and that's frustrating to work through. I just need much more lighting for my art area. At least it wasn’t my eyesight.

It's the little things.

Optimus & the care bears illustration has been shelved, indefinitely.

I may go back to it someday. But the interest in it had moved on and I started on some Soundwave art. I love the design he has in the Transformers One movie. And I love drawing DJ poses & setups. This was a no-brainer. So I let this mashup of interests hyperfixate a bit and came up with this.

I had found the “right” spot to draw in my new place. I had found the “right” set of lighting I needed to make a drawing in the new place. Enough boxes were unpacked by now, and I was able to see a drawing all the way through.

Once that initial art block breaks, the river flows strongly again. I followed up the Soundwave art with some custom art for my neice’s friend.

Opened up commissions now and two are almost complete, with a 3rd one starting. Feeling really good to be back in business.

Having my environment & my mind at peace with each other again is everything.

The moon pallet! Long time fans & friends will remember this from my COVID clay making days. I did a series of moon shaped and tentacle shaped clay pallets for painting.

Here's my half moon clay pallet with some acrylic ink, I was working on with the sunset for this commission.

It always helps when my art is accepted positively on the media platforms. This piece being my most popular to date. I hit the 1.3k likes before the 24 hr mark was up. I'd never done that before. It felt incredible.

To watch it organically grow more to 1.7k felt a little like a fever dream.

My in real life scenarios were imploding, but my art was viral for a moment. It made the implosions feel less bad. Dopamine effect and all.

Finally good stuff to mention, I’ll take every win I can get right now.


Settling in & rising from the ashes