Nothing else to lose

I took notice of a juried call for artwork, that fits along something I’ve already painted.

I figure I might as well try for one juried exhibition this year. I do have some recent paintings that are otherwise collecting dust.

After much humming and hawing, I went ahead and applied to the show. I realise that I’ll probably get my answer (usually a rejection) around a time when it won’t be good to get it.

Previous times I’ve applied to calls for art, were mostly rejected and that lead to heavy cases of art burnout and art block.

What's different this time:

  1. The art is already painted. I'm not trying to create something from scratch in a couple weeks deadline. This is the biggest difference of all. Previous attempts were just me rushing out a painting to fit a theme. Rushing anything out leads to stress and wasted time and volatile emotions.

  2. I have no expectations. I've been humbled enough to know better. I'm applying because the opportunity is there and it would be great for my career to have some movement this year.

So I applied and all I can do is wait and see. And if I get another rejection, well I tried. And if I didn't try, I would never know. So it's something.

But I also know my mental health struggles and what's on the near horizon. All I can do is keep moving forward in the best ways I know how.


Forcibly extroverted for the last X amount of days.


Executive dysfunction & trolling under the bridge.