Sharing art life experiences

Sharing art life experiences

I really want to elaborate how DONE I was with art back then. Like my son didn't know I could draw until he was 5 years old. I really didn't think I’d ever mention the art thing to my kids. I figured if they had a natural inclination to it, I would say I did it at one point. But I really didn't care either way if I never drew again at that point.

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Tattoo lines & an artist’s time.- tattoo permissions post.

Tattoo lines & an artist’s time.- tattoo permissions post.

If you've followed me for any amount of time, it's apparent I love tattoo culture and a lot of my designs could be easy to transfer to a tattoo.

I don't tattoo skin, yet. It's still something I'm considering one day though.

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Social Media Highs, Social Media woes.

Social Media Highs, Social Media woes.

The downsides to watching the numbers grow or fall flat on Social Media. I will forever talk about this. Being an old artist, I’ve watched and noted how much this has effected my drawing,my choices and where I go next.

I know of a time before social media. It was harder to get your art seen. On the plus side, you were left to develop your practise at your own pace and not feel unnecessary stress from numbers, or lack thereof.

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