What do you draw for your daily practise? Q & A.
Having survived the incredibly humbling experience that it was to start making art again in my 30s. Especially after quitting art for so long…it makes me want to share my story. I hope it helps other former artists, make their way back to creating art again.
I go on artist message boards across the internet and when I feel compelled to, I will share some of my experiences. Sometimes people relate, and they ask me for more details. I had some great feedback on my latest response, so I felt it's good to share here too.
These markers remind me of my plans, when I start the work again. My attention span is short and my idea flow is like roaring rapids. I can only remember so much, before it gets lost in the current and something else pops up to take my interest.
Touching grass
I mention the tough parts of being a freelancer artist, because it's not discussed enough. There's so much rejection and rebuilding to do for most of us. And if it's not discussed, then we assume that we are the only ones to face such rejection. And it becomes demoralizing and unable to produce art becomes a nasty circle of defeat.
Deep diving into my psyche
It's called "shadow work," and involves "diving into the unconscious material that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors,"
deep diving into my psyche through my art
Class consciousness
The homeless encampments are growing in size, I know of a few families who live in one, in the middle of winter in Canada. This is oh so much more personal than I can explain and it’s really like talking to walls. So many care more about their inconveniences of seeing poor people than acknowledge the problem is THERE SHOULD NEVER BE BILLIONAIRES EVER. NEVER.
Reddit, of all places
Artists need to give Reddit a chance (well, within the right groups. Some are incredibly supportive)
Art Goals 2023 ongoing discussion
I had to fail a lot to see the positives in trusting my gut, and my abilities to create the art I want to make.
The art that broke me
So I’ve been trying to expand my abilities again. This time, I’m simplifying the art. I’m not happy but I’m not unhappy. I’m just lost. All artists get lost from time to time.
The argument for deep rest
When we force ourselves to march through continuously, the burn out is inevitable. It gets hidden behind other issues that result from the snowball effect into the break down.