It's a start.
I don't know the future direction for this, as my character and Ronon's character can use some fine tuning. BUT IT’S A START. A GLORIOUS START. I've done it, it's no longer a concept. No longer a bit of guilt on my shoulders. I am bringing Ronon back to life in a way through the comic. As a ghost.
The Creature project pt 2
Super happy to have been invited back to work with The Creature Project again this year!
Nearing the end of an era.
All up in my face, that's where Ronon likes to be the most.
Talking about pending pup death.
Grieving portrait, pt 2
Also the experience of painting from life vs painting from a still photograph shows the difference between coat color perception and what not. Ronon in real life is very tricolor still, but on camera photos he looks very grey and white. Lighting always plays a large part image perception.
Grieving portrait & artist guilt
This current commission, hits close to home. We knew Hank, he was a dachshund who came into his parents life around the same time my pupper came into mine.